All NeXus files contain one or many groups of type NXentry at root level. Many files contain only one NXentry group, then the name is entry. The NXentry level of hierarchy is there to support the storage of multiple related experiments in one file. Or to allow the NeXus file to serve as a container for storing a whole scientific workflow from data acquisition to publication ready data. Also, NXentry class groups can contain raw data or processed data. For files with more than one NXentry group, since HDF requires that no two items at the same level in an HDF file may have the same name, the NeXus fashion is to assign names with an incrementing index appended, such as entry1, entry2, entry3, etc.
In order to illustrate what is written in the text, example hierarchies like the one in figure Raw Data are provided.
An example raw data hierarchy is shown in figure Raw Data (only showing the relevant parts of the data hierarchy). In the example shown, the data field in the NXdata group is linked to the 2-D detector data (a 512x512 array of 32-bit integers) which has the attribute signal=1. Note that [,] represents a 2D array.
NeXus Raw Data Hierarchy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 entry:NXentry instrument:NXinstrument source:NXsource .... detector:NXdetector data:NX_INT32[512,512] @signal = 1 sample:NXsample control:NXmonitor data:NXdata data --> /entry/instrument/detector/data
An NXentry describing raw data contains at least a NXsample, one NXmonitor, one NXdata and a NXinstrument group. It is good practice to use the names sample for the NXsample group, control for the NXmonitor group holding the experiment controlling monitor and instrument for the NXinstrument group. The NXinstrument group contains further groups describing the individual components of the instrument as appropriate.
The NXdata group contains links to all those data items in the NXentry hierarchy which are required to put up a default plot of the data. As an example consider a SAXS instrument with a 2D detector. The NXdata will then hold a link to the detector image. If there is only one NXdata group, it is good practice to name it data. Otherwise, the name of the detector bank represented is a good selection.
Processed data, see figure Processed Data, in this context means the results of a data reduction or data analysis program. Note that [] represents a 1D array.
NeXus Processed Data Hierarchy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 entry:NXentry reduction:NXprocess program_name = "pyDataProc2010" version = "1.0a" input:NXparameter filename = "sn2013287.nxs" sample:NXsample data:NXdata data @signal = 1
NeXus stores such data in a simplified NXentry structure. A processed data NXentry has at minimum a NXsample, a NXdata and a NXprocess group. Again the preferred name for the NXsample group is sample. In the case of processed data, the NXdata group holds the result of the processing together with the associated axis data. The NXprocess group holds the name and version of the program used for this processing step and further NXparameter groups. These groups ought to contain the parameters used for this data processing step in suitable detail so that the processing step can be reproduced.
Optionally a processed data NXentry can hold a NXinstrument group with further groups holding relevant information about the instrument. The preferred name is again instrument. Whereas for a raw data file, NeXus strives to capture as much data as possible, a NXinstrument group for processed data may contain a much-reduced subset.
Especially at synchrotron facilities, there are experiments which perform several different methods on the sample at the same time. For example, combine a powder diffraction experiment with XAS. This may happen in the same scan, so the data needs to be grouped together. A suitable NXentry would need to adhere to two different application definitions. This leads to name clashes which cannot be easily resolved. In order to solve this issue, the following scheme was implemented in NeXus:
See figure NeXus Multi Method Hierarchy for an example hierarchy. Note that [,] represents a 2D array.
NeXus Multi Method Hierarchy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 entry:NXentry user:NXuser sample:NXsample instrument:NXinstument SASdet:NXdetector data:[,] @signal = 1 fluordet:NXdetector data:[,] @signal = 1 large_area:NXdetector data:[,] SAS:NXsubentry definition = "NXsas" instrument:NXinstrument detector:NXdetector data --> /entry/instrument/SASdet/data data:NXdata data --> /entry/instrument/SASdet/data Fluo:NXsubentry definition = "NXFluo" instrument:NXinstrument detector --> /entry/instrument/fluordet/data detector2 --> /entry/instrument/large_area/data data:NXdata detector --> /entry/instrument/fluordet/data
Scans are difficult to capture because they have great variety. Basically, any variable can be scanned. Such behaviour cannot be captured in application definitions. Therefore NeXus solves this difficulty with a set of rules. In this section, NP is used as a symbol for the number of scan points.
Examples may be in order here. Let us start with a simple case, the sample is rotated around its rotation axis and data is collected in a single point detector. See figure Simple Scan for an overview. Then we have:
- A dataset at NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/data of length NP containing the count data.
- A dataset at NXentry/NXsample/rotation_angle of length NP containing the positions of rotation_angle at the various steps of the scan.
- NXdata contains links to:
- NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/data
- NXentry/NXsample/rotation_angle
- All other data fields have their normal dimensions.
NeXus Simple Scan Example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 entry:NXentry instrument:NXinstrument detector:NXdetector data[NP] @signal = 1 sample:NXsample rotation_angle[NP] @axis=1 control:NXmonitor data[NP] data:NXdata data --> /entry/instrument/detector/data rotation_angle --> /entry/sample/rotation_angle
The next example is the same scan but with an area detector with xsize times ysize pixels. The only thing which changes is that /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/data will have the dimensions NP, xsize, ysize. See figure Simple Scan with Area Detector for an overview.
NeXus Simple Scan Example with Area Detector
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 entry:NXentry instrument:NXinstrument detector:NXdetector data:[NP,xsize,ysize] @signal = 1 sample:NXsample rotation_angle[NP] @axis=1 control:NXmonitor data[NP] data:NXdata data --> /entry/instrument/detector/data rotation_angle --> /entry/sample/rotation_angle
The next example involves a complex movement along an axis in reciprocal space which requires mutiple motors of a four-circle diffractometer to be varied during the scan. We then have:
A dataset at NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/data of length NP containing the count data.
A dataset at NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/polar_angle of length NP containing the positions of the detector’s polar_angle at the various steps of the scan.
A dataset at NXentry/NXsample/rotation_angle of length NP containing the positions of rotation_angle at the various steps of the scan.
A dataset at NXentry/NXsample/chi of length NP containing the positions of chi at the various steps of the scan.
A dataset at NXentry/NXsample/phi of length NP containing the positions of phi at the various steps of the scan.
A dataset at NXentry/NXsample/h of length NP containing the positions of the reciprocal coordinate h at the various steps of the scan.
A dataset at NXentry/NXsample/k of length NP containing the positions of the reciprocal coordinate k at the various steps of the scan.
A dataset at NXentry/NXsample/l of length NP containing the positions of the reciprocal coordinate l at the various steps of the scan.
NXdata contains links to:
The datasets in NXdata must have the appropriate attributes as described in the axis location section.
All other data fields have their normal dimensions.
NeXus Complex hkl Scan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | entry:NXentry
@signal = 1
@axis = 1
data --> /entry/instrument/detector/data
rotation_angle --> /entry/sample/rotation_angle
chi --> /entry/sample/chi
phi --> /entry/sample/phi
polar_angle --> /entry/instrument/detector/polar_angle
h --> /entry/sample/h
k --> /entry/sample/k
l --> /entry/sample/l
Data can be stored almost anywhere in the NeXus tree. While the previous examples showed data arrays in either NXdetector or NXsample, this example demonstrates that data can be stored in other places. Links are used to reference the data.
The example is for X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) data where the monochromator energy is step-scanned and counts are read back from detectors before (I0) and after (I) the sample. These energy scans are repeated at a sequence of sample temperatures to map out, for example, a phase transition. While it is customary in XAS to plot log(I0/I), we show them separately here in two different NXdata groups to demonstrate that such things are possible. Note that the length of the 1-D energy array is NE while the length of the 1-D temperature array is NT
NeXus Multi-parameter scan: XAS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 entry:NXentry instrument:NXinstrument I:NXdetector data:NX_NUMBER[NE,NT] @signal = 1 @axes = "energy:temperature" energy --> /entry/monochromator/energy temperature --> /entry/sample/temperature I0:NXdetector data:NX_NUMBER[NE,NT] @signal = 1 @axes = "energy:temperature" energy --> /entry/monochromator/energy temperature --> /entry/sample/temperature sample:NXsample temperature:NX_NUMBER[NT] monochromator:NXmonochromator energy:NX_NUMBER[NE] I_data:NXdata data --> /entry/instrument/I/data energy --> /entry/monochromator/energy temperature --> /entry/sample/temperature I0_data:NXdata data --> /entry/instrument/I00/data energy --> /entry/monochromator/energy temperature --> /entry/sample/temperature
Rastering is the process of making experiments at various locations in the sample volume. Again, rasterisation experiments can be variable. Some people even raster on spirals! Rasterisation experiments are treated the same way as described above for scans. Just replace NP with P, the number of raster points.
Special rules apply if a rasterisation happens on a regular grid of size xraster, yraster. Then the variables varied in the rasterisation will be of dimensions xraster, yraster and the detector data of dimensions xraster, yraster, (orginal dimensions) of the detector. For example, an area detector of size xsize, ysize then it is stored with dimensions xraster, yraster, xsize, ysize.
Be warned: if you use the 2D rasterisation method with xraster, yraster you may end up with invalid data if the scan is aborted prematurely. This cannot happen if the first method is used.
On demand from the community, NeXus introduced a more informal method of storing information in a NeXus file. This is the NXcollection class which can appear anywhere underneath NXentry. NXcollection is a container for holding other data. The foreseen use is to document collections of similar data which do not otherwise fit easily into the NXinstrument or NXsample hierarchy, such as the intent to record all motor positions on a synchrotron beamline. Thus, NXcollection serves as a quick point of access to data for an instrument scientist or another expert. NXcollection is also a feature for those who are too lazy to build up the complete NeXus hierarchy. An example usage case is documented in figure NXcollection example.
NXcollection Example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 entry:NXentry positioners:NXcollection mxx:NXpositioner mzz:NXpositioner sgu:NXpositioner ttv:NXpositioner hugo:NXpositioner .... scalars:NXcollection title (dataset) lieselotte (dataset) ... detectors:NXcollection Pilatus:NXdata MXX-45:NXdata ....