base class, extends NXobject, version 1.0
Definition of the root NeXus group.
No symbol table
@NX_class: NX_CHAR
The root of any NeXus data file is an NXroot class (no other choice is allowed for a valid NeXus data file). This attribute cements that definition.
Obligatory value: NXroot
@file_time: NX_CHAR
Date and time file was originally created@file_name: NX_CHAR
File name of original NeXus file@file_update_time: NX_CHAR
Date and time of last file change at close@NeXus_version: NX_CHAR
Version of NeXus API used in writing the file@HDF_version: NX_CHAR
Version of NeXus API used in writing the file@HDF5_Version: NX_CHAR
Version of NeXus API used in writing the file. Note this attribute is spelled with uppercase “V”, different than other version attributes.@XML_version: NX_CHAR
Version of NeXus API used in writing the file@creator: NX_CHAR
facility or program where file originated(entry): NXentry