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3.3.17. NXenvironmentΒΆ


base class, extends NXobject, version 1.0


This class describes an external condition applied to the sample


No symbol table
Groups cited:
NXgeometry, NXnote, NXsensor


name: NX_CHAR

Apparatus identification code/model number; e.g. OC100 011

short_name: NX_CHAR

Alternative short name, perhaps for dashboard display like a present Seblock name

type: NX_CHAR

Type of apparatus. This could be the SE codes in scheduling database; e.g. OC/100

description: NX_CHAR

Description of the apparatus; e.g. 100mm bore orange cryostat with Roots pump

program: NX_CHAR

Program controlling the apparatus; e.g. LabView VI name

position: NXgeometry

The position and orientation of the apparatus

(note): NXnote

Additional information, LabView logs, digital photographs, etc

(sensor): NXsensor

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