NeXus began as a group of scientists with the goal of defining a common data storage format to exchange experimental results and to exchange ideas about how to analyze them.
The NeXus Scientific Community provides the scientific data, advice, and continued involvement with the NeXus standard. NeXus provides a forum for the scientific community to exchange ideas in data storage through the NeXus wiki.
The NeXus International Advisory Committee (NIAC) supervises the development and maintenance of the NeXus common data format for neutron, X-ray, and muon science. The NIAC supervises a technical committee to oversee the NeXus Application Programmer Interface (NAPI) and the NeXus class definitions.
There are several mechanisms in place in order to coordinate the development of NeXus with the larger community.
First of all, there is the NeXus wiki,, which provides all kinds of information, including membership, minutes, and discussions from the meetings of the NIAC and Technical Committee Code Camps, proposed designs for consideration by NeXus, the NeXus logo, as well as some legacy documentation that we have not quite managed to move into the manual.
The community is encouraged to provide new definitions (Base Class Definitions or Application Definitions) for consideration in the NeXus standard. These community contributions will be entered in the Contributed Definitions and will be curated according to procedures set forth by the NIAC: The NeXus International Advisory Committee.