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3.3.44. NXsourceΒΆ


base class, extends NXobject, version 1.0


Template of the neutron or x-ray source, insertion devices and/or moderators.


No symbol table
Groups cited:
NXdata, NXgeometry, NXnote


distance: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

Effective distance from sample Distance as seen by radiation from sample. This number should be negative to signify that it is upstream of the sample.

name: NX_CHAR

Name of source

@short_name: NX_CHAR

short name for source, perhaps the acronym

type: NX_CHAR

type of radiation source (pick one from the enumerated list and spell exactly)

Any of these values:

  • Spallation Neutron Source
  • Pulsed Reactor Neutron Source
  • Reactor Neutron Source
  • Synchrotron X-ray Source
  • Pulsed Muon Source
  • Rotating Anode X-ray
  • Fixed Tube X-ray
  • UV Laser
  • Free-Electron Laser
  • Optical Laser
  • Ion Source
  • UV Plasma Source

probe: NX_CHAR

type of radiation probe (pick one from the enumerated list and spell exactly)

Any of these values:

  • neutron
  • x-ray
  • muon
  • electron
  • ultraviolet
  • visible light
  • positron
  • proton

power: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_POWER}

Source power

emittance_x: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_EMITTANCE}

Source emittance (nm-rad) in X (horizontal) direction.

emittance_y: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_EMITTANCE}

Source emittance (nm-rad) in Y (horizontal) direction.

sigma_x: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

particle beam size in x

sigma_y: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

particle beam size in y

flux: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_FLUX}

Source intensity/area (example: s-1 cm-2)

energy: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ENERGY}

Source energy. For storage rings, this would be the particle beam energy. For X-ray tubes, this would be the excitation voltage.

current: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_CURRENT}

Accelerator, X-ray tube, or storage ring current

voltage: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

Accelerator voltage

frequency: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_FREQUENCY}

Frequency of pulsed source

period: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_PERIOD}

Period of pulsed source

target_material: NX_CHAR

Pulsed source target material

Any of these values:

  • Ta
  • W
  • depleted_U
  • enriched_U
  • Hg
  • Pb
  • C

number_of_bunches: NX_INT

For storage rings, the number of bunches in use.

bunch_length: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_TIME}

For storage rings, temporal length of the bunch

bunch_distance: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_TIME}

For storage rings, time between bunches

pulse_width: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_TIME}

temporal width of source pulse

mode: NX_CHAR

source operating mode

Any of these values:

  • Single Bunch: for storage rings
  • Multi Bunch: for storage rings

top_up: NX_BOOLEAN

Is the synchrotron operating in top_up mode?

last_fill: NX_NUMBER {units=NX_CURRENT}

For storage rings, the current at the end of the most recent injection.


date and time of the most recent injection.

notes: NXnote

any source/facility related messages/events that occurred during the experiment

bunch_pattern: NXdata

For storage rings, description of the bunch pattern. This is useful to describe irregular bunch patterns.

title: NX_CHAR

name of the bunch pattern

pulse_shape: NXdata

source pulse shape

geometry: NXgeometry

“Engineering” location of source

distribution: NXdata

The wavelength or energy distribution of the source
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