base class, extends NXobject, version 1.0
This is the description of a detector module. Many detectors consist of multiple smaller modules. Sometimes it is important to know the exact position of such modules. This is the purpose of this group. It is a child group to NXdetector.
No symbol table
data_origin: NX_INT
A two value field which gives the index of the start of the modules data in the main area detector image in the underlying NXdetector module.data_size: NX_INT
Two values for the size of the module in pixels in each direction.module_offset: NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
Offset of the module in regards to the origin of the detector in an arbitrary direction.
@transformation_type: NX_CHAR
Obligatory value: translation@vector: NX_NUMBER
Three values that define the axis for this transformation@offset: NX_NUMBER
A fixed offset applied before the transformation@offset_units: NX_CHAR
Units of the offset.@depends_on: NX_CHAR
Points to the path of the next element in the geometry chain.fast_pixel_direction: NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
Values along the direction of fastest varying pixel direction.The direction itself is given through the vector attribute
@transformation_type: NX_CHAR
Obligatory value: translation@vector: NX_NUMBER
Three values that define the axis for this transformation@offset: NX_NUMBER
A fixed offset applied before the transformation@offset_units: NX_CHAR
Units of the offset.@depends_on: NX_CHAR
Points to the path of the next element in the geometry chain.slow_pixel_direction: NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
Values along the direction of slow varying pixel direction. The direction itself is given through the vector attribute
@transformation_type: NX_CHAR
Obligatory value: translation@vector: NX_NUMBER
Three values that define the axis for this transformation@offset: NX_NUMBER
A fixed offset applied before the transformation@offset_units: NX_CHAR
Units of the offset.@depends_on: NX_CHAR
Points to the path of the next element in the geometry chain.fast_pixel_size: NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
Values along the direction of fastest varying pixel direction.The direction itself is given through the vector attribute
@transformation_type: NX_CHAR
Obligatory value: translation@vector: NX_NUMBER
Three values that define the axis for this transformation@offset: NX_NUMBER
A fixed offset applied before the transformation@offset_units: NX_CHAR
Units of the offset.@depends_on: NX_CHAR
Points to the path of the next element in the geometry chain.slow_pixel_size: NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
Values along the direction of slow varying pixel direction. The direction itself is given through the vector attribute
@transformation_type: NX_CHAR
Obligatory value: translation@vector: NX_NUMBER
Three values that define the axis for this transformation@offset: NX_NUMBER
A fixed offset applied before the transformation@offset_units: NX_CHAR
Units of the offset.@depends_on: NX_CHAR
Points to the path of the next element in the geometry chain.